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Messages - Joe J

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Racing / Re: 2013 XC NPS Rd4 - Lady Dixon May 26th
« on: May 27, 2013, 09:45:59 PM »
Well done Lads.Thats a though course , no let up. Cant imagine what it would be like if it was wet.
3 IMBRC in top 10 S2.Well done Jim on podium and Sean snapping at your heals , sounds like great racing!
Nice one Craig for holding off Mccarthy and Lawless for 10 th. Only wish I could be there trying to keep up.There is always next year.

Racing / Re: 2013 XC NPS Rd3 - Ticknock May 12th
« on: May 13, 2013, 09:17:36 PM »
Well done to all who raced yesterday.3 imbrc riders in top 10 S2. Great stuf, only wish I could be there trying to make it 4 . Going to physio this week so should know when I'll be back. :)

Racing / Re: 2013 XC NPS Rd2-Killarney 28th April
« on: April 28, 2013, 09:51:19 AM »
Good luck to all traveling to Kerry today.hopefully weather will stay good.

Racing / Re: 2013 NPS Rd1-Cong-14th April
« on: April 17, 2013, 10:40:40 PM »
Went to fracture clinic in Beaumont today. I have type 3 AC shoulder seperation. Basically collar bone and shoulder parted company  completely tearing ligaments. Told to stay off MTB for 12 weeks  >:(
Will get phisyo in few weeks to speed up recovery and hopefully get out on road bike in few weeks.
Any one want to buy an anthem 29er and a farm!
Only joking I'd never sell my bike :)

Racing / Re: 2013 NPS Rd1-Cong-14th April
« on: April 16, 2013, 09:03:23 PM »
Cheers lads. Back to Beaumont in morning to fracture clinic to see whats next. Keep ye posted.

Racing / Re: 2013 NPS Rd1-Cong-14th April
« on: April 14, 2013, 10:45:48 PM »
Well done all who raced today. That course was nuts. Well the first one third of the course was nuts because that's as far as I got b4 my attempt at Goober of the year award. Fell off on steep drop and dislocated collar bone from sholder !!
Thanks to Craig for sacrificing his race to drive me back to hospital in Dublin and Colm for bringing my bike back. Cheers lads.
Was looking forward to this years NPS races ! Not the best start. Will be back for round 3.

Racing / Re: 2013 NPS Rd1-Cong-14th April
« on: April 08, 2013, 10:06:29 PM »
I am going down  :)
Cant wait! New venue. Bring it on.

Racing / Re: Dublin Biltz 17th March-Ticknock
« on: March 17, 2013, 08:35:56 AM »
Good luck to all racing today.

Racing / Re: Limerick Blitz 17th February 2013 - Ballyhoura
« on: February 13, 2013, 10:56:38 PM »
I'l be down there on the reg again

I was talking to Niall and looks like another good turnout
Would be nice to know who and how many have registered!
Anyway I am heading down sun morning .
Any spare seats? Ill pay for fuel!
Sorry car full Myself Craig and Laco.

Racing / Re: Welcome to the King of Three Rock 2012!
« on: October 15, 2012, 09:19:38 PM »
Great report Jimmy. Bad luck with puncture on stage 5.
I couldnt get up sat so i rode the course blind on sun which was probably best as if i had looked down some of the drops I dont think I would have rode them! Saying that there was nothing that the 29er couldnt get me down and most times I was still on it at the bottom. Unlike Jimmy I was clipped on which was nerve racking at times.
 The course held up well concidering the rain , a bit slippy but no slomp.
Fair play to the MAD lads for the efford put in to running this event from trail building to Marshels everywhere, free coffee and sambo at the finish and a print out of your stage times on finishing!!Great!
 Thanks to Laco for the moral support on stage 1 and 2.
 Overall a great day out despite the weather. Ill defo be doing this event next year if Mad run it again.

Racing / Re: Welcome to the King of Three Rock 2012!
« on: October 11, 2012, 09:57:02 PM »
Looking forward to bringing one of thoes home  :)
I signed up last night,only doing sun cant make sat. should be a laugh!
Anyone else giong?

General Discussion / Re: Focus Four Peak Challenge
« on: September 17, 2012, 09:01:39 PM »
Great achievement Trev!! and a great charity to support . Well done.

Racing / Re: Marathon Champs 26th Aug
« on: August 20, 2012, 10:27:23 PM »
Forgot to register for this  :-[. Registration closed at 6 today. tried tonight and regristation and payment went through.So if you hav'nt registered get the finger out!!!

Racing / Re: XC NPS Rnd. 6 (final round) Carn Wheelers. 24 June 2012
« on: June 24, 2012, 10:06:47 PM »
Great performance Glen! Well Done .
The long drive up was well worth it today, course was wet in places through the forrest sections but the single track walking trails they used were in great condition and made for some fast racing.
We were represented in all senior cats today Jim S1, Myself ,Craig, Dave Askin In S2 and Glen and Laco in S3.
Think i finished in top 10 so happy with that.
Both S2 and S3 overall NPS winners were down to the last race, Glen doing the buisness for IMBRC in S3.  Paddy Mackey and Stewart Galloway were battaling it out for S2 winners with Stewart finishing 2nd one place ahead of Paddy to take the win.
Overall a great and v. exciting days racing.
( 10 minn to go in extra time . Come on ITALY :))

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