Author Topic: Welcome to the King of Three Rock 2012!  (Read 14929 times)

Offline Fergal

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Saturday Team-Stage description
« Reply #15 on: October 03, 2012, 11:38:23 PM »
Super Special Stage (Saturday Only)
Start off on a hefty granite rock slab with a commanding view over the whole of Dublin, then wind down and pop across the fireroad into a twisty techy connector which shoots you out at a very high speed onto a very hard and compact sand path (careful you don’t drift too far left as you’ll scrub-off all that lovely speed!).

Hammer along the path with it’s dips raises and rounded rocks, then a sharp banked left and over the first table-toppy jump, off a small drop then a jump across the rocky path (all features are rollable or you can go around them).

Then another small tabletop and catch the lander to boost your speed even more.

Down a swooper then into the first tree section of the day, meander through this short section, then out into the open and along the forest edge and into the sweeping rocky/sandy path, with plenty of techy bits including a few small ledges but still flat out and fun.

Rail the final berm then switch hard right down the rooty path, through the trees, across the path, through the rock-lined wall gap, then into wide forest covered with a blanket of golden pine needles.

Down and around some sharp turns then over the green mossy rock stack, off the lip of a boulder, then a series of tight, rooty turns and down the anti-kicker.

Get caught by the berm and shoot across to the fallen tree. Jump the tree or go around, then through the burst-out wall section and onto the rooty singletrack.

Wind down and down to the final bombhole, up the far bank of the bombhole then a right down the path, onto the fireroad and tag-out.


Meet-up with your other 2 team mates and discuss your runs/makes excuses/mock each other for not being faster.

Then head on up and enjoy a bit of practice on the stages you’ll be hitting on Sunday.

Offline Fergal

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Re: Welcome to the King of Three Rock 2012!
« Reply #16 on: October 05, 2012, 11:52:39 PM »
T-shirts for all riders have now arrived, sign yourself up for a serious amount of fun, the trails all point downwards - no climbs at all, you'll love it!

Offline Paul

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Re: Welcome to the King of Three Rock 2012!
« Reply #17 on: October 09, 2012, 09:01:48 AM »
Time to put your skills to the test folks..!  8)


Offline Fergal

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Re: Welcome to the King of Three Rock 2012!
« Reply #18 on: October 10, 2012, 03:02:52 PM »
apologies, that video had the wrong link in it just in case ye were using it, corrected video plus a few more below





Offline Fergal

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Re: Welcome to the King of Three Rock 2012!
« Reply #19 on: October 11, 2012, 07:41:40 PM »
Here's some pics of the trophys up for grabs at the weekend - get signed-up!

Offline Paul

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Re: Welcome to the King of Three Rock 2012!
« Reply #20 on: October 11, 2012, 09:18:12 PM »
Very impressive trophies Fergal..!!  8)

Offline Joe J

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Re: Welcome to the King of Three Rock 2012!
« Reply #21 on: October 11, 2012, 09:57:02 PM »
Looking forward to bringing one of thoes home  :)
I signed up last night,only doing sun cant make sat. should be a laugh!
Anyone else giong?

Offline Jimmy Mr Excuses

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Re: Welcome to the King of Three Rock 2012!
« Reply #22 on: October 11, 2012, 10:12:47 PM »
Yep ill be there throwing myself down the trails  >:(

Offline Paul

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Re: Welcome to the King of Three Rock 2012!
« Reply #23 on: October 13, 2012, 08:21:20 PM »
They are taking entries tomorrow morning if anyone wants to head up and race

Offline Jimmy Mr Excuses

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Re: Welcome to the King of Three Rock 2012!
« Reply #24 on: October 13, 2012, 09:19:07 PM »
Did some of the stages today it was great craic very flowy. If anybody doing and wants to meet up give me a text 0857427170. Ill be there for half nine or ten

Offline Jimmy Mr Excuses

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Re: Welcome to the King of Three Rock 2012!
« Reply #25 on: October 14, 2012, 07:47:21 PM »
Ok race report or in my case goober report  :P, Practice course yesterday was fantastic. The sun shining down and trails dry we could not have asked for anything more. I was fairly excited about today only to find out when I woke this morning mother nature had other ideas. But as I always say what can ya expect when ya live in a damp s**thole off the west coast of Europe. It was not going to get me down, so on with the rain jacket and off I headed to ticknok. I arrived about ten and numbers did appear to dwindle from yesterday but still a good crowd of hardy souls stuck it out and braved the now driving rain. I made a last minute decision to switch to flats which was both a good idea and bad. Ill start with the bad, I hadnt been on flats in about three years and surprisingly its not just like riding a bike you actually forget to place your feet back further and not on the ball of your foot. I found this out the hard way on stage 1 which I had neglected to warm up for also. Had a disaster of a run and actually came off the slope towards the end and skidded right down. Had to lift the bike back up onto the track which at the end of the stage took a while seeing as I was knackered from the stage and fit to drop no mind climbing up a slope with a heavy bike. It was a nice way to wake yourself up on a Sunday morning :o. I didnt however let this get me down and headed onto stage two thinking ill be more warmed up and used to the flats so will do much better.  >:( This however was not to be and stage 2 turned into a repeat of stage 1. It started well, I dropped onto the fireroad crossed over and dropped again but took it too wide and hit the ditch at the side, just to make it better some dude got a perfect photo of me flaffing myself  :'(.Typical I thought but got back up on the bike and pushed on. The second bit of stage 2 was getting pretty slompy now and grip was not the best especially with the off camber roots. I eventually got to the end but at this stage was really getting down and thinking ill never get the hang of this mountain biking malarky  :'(. Despite the crushed ego I was determined to finish the race so headed on up to stage 3. This went really well and I got the hang of it then. Was used to the flats had warmed up and was just throwing myself into the drops turns and berns.  When I got to the end I was ecstatic and was back thinking I was the bees knees again (relatively speaking for a goober). :P . Forward with this new confidence I headed on to stage 4 laughing and chatting with some the lads from MAD. I was geared up now and ready to rock. Stage 4 again went well for me I had really gained in confidence and was loving every minute of it. Despite the rain the trails held up very well and again was flying through with no real major gaffs. So that done I headed back up to complete stage 5 again beaming thinking how much I love mountain biking and bulling that I started so late in life  >:(.Stage 5 started up on the ninja express only to turn off to the right and into the woods. It was a bit slompy again but I manged to stay on the bike and push though although it was not as flowy as the other trails. I still thought I was doing alright and getting down to the second part it I crossed onto the (zig zags ?) This is where my tyre blew as I hit a rock fairly hard and just heard the dreaded ppssssttttt.  >:(. Started thinking will I fix or will I run so just picked the bike up and ran to the end.  >:( I was really disappointed with this but suppose its all part of the race.

Respect to MAD and all the effort they put into the trails they did a fantastic job. Organisation was top notch also and there was a great atmosphere all over the place. I hope this will be a regular thing as I for one will def be going back for more :)     

Offline DaveyD

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Re: Welcome to the King of Three Rock 2012!
« Reply #26 on: October 14, 2012, 08:10:29 PM »
Good man Jimmy

Offline Scott B.

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Re: Welcome to the King of Three Rock 2012!
« Reply #27 on: October 14, 2012, 08:43:19 PM »
Great report and sounds like a good enduro day out, Enjoyed the practice with you yesterday and was really bulling I was tied up today but hopefully there will be a another one soon. Well done again for competing.... did anyone else from the club go..?

Offline Jimmy Mr Excuses

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Re: Welcome to the King of Three Rock 2012!
« Reply #28 on: October 14, 2012, 08:50:35 PM »
Ya met Joe but only at the end we had a coffee and sandwich then made like a banana and split  :P. Didn't see anyone else around. 

Offline Paul

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Re: Welcome to the King of Three Rock 2012!
« Reply #29 on: October 15, 2012, 12:10:24 PM »
Well done lads...!! And well done to MAD for putting on this event.  :)