XC NPS Round 5

Slade Valley, Sunday June 9th 2013

Team Relay

The team relay event will make its return on Saturday the 8th of June , the day before the NPS event. This is always a fun event so we encourage teams to take part.

Its only one flying lap so won't drain you the Sunday race. Teams will be made up of 3 riders and each team member will complete one flying lap each.

This year we are going to try out additional categories for the event. Pro Category, Sport Category, Mixed Category

Category rules

Pro: Only one S1/Elite (male/female) level rider allowed per team. Additional members can be from any other category above U14

Sport: No S1/Elite (male/female) or S2 (male) or Junior Riders allowed. Teams can be made up from any other categories above U14.

Mixed: Any combination of 3 rider team from any category but teams must have at least one male and one female above U14 per team.

Sign on will start at 12pm, Racing will start at 1pm

Register Now.