XC NPS Round 5

Slade Valley, Sunday June 9th 2013

Race Information

On 9th June, the IMBRC will host the fifth round of the 2013 XC NPS in Slade Valley, Saggart. Slade Valley has hosted various XC events in the past including Leinster League and NPS races.

Course Preview


The course is approximately 6km long incorporating a mix flowing single track, killer kickers, fast downhill, drop-in's and some fireroad. The start finish area will be on the east side of the forest which is the opposite side to precious xc races.


Timing will be done by Off-Road Commission laptop timing software.


Parking on the day will be in a field on the east side of the woods. Access to the field is via a small road just off the N81. This is the same road Slade Valley Golf Course is on. See directions


Please use the online sign on facility provided by the MTB Comission.

There will be €5 additional cost on race day for riders not pre-registered online. Sign on will be available on the day up until 30mins before each race.

Entry Fee as follows
Senior €20
Junior €10
Youth Free
Cycling Ireland licences are Required. Day licences will be available on the day.

Practice Laps

Saturday 8th - Practice from 10:30am-1pm (Team-Relay at 1pm)

Start times

11:00 U8, U10 U12 Short Course
12:00 U14, U16, S4 MEN, S3 WOMEN
13:00 > 13:30 prize-giving for above categories approx
14:00 Junior, S1Men, S2 Men, S3 Men, S1 Women, S2 Women