Hi Shauna,
Good to hear from you, I understand you were with the club a few years back on beginners spins ! glad to see you are still into cycling and interested in cycling for the kids. We do have a kids section and are currently running an 11 week course for children between the age of 2.5 and 10. The course that we are running is in essence the cycling sprocket rocket course with adjustment made by ourselves the coaches to its content to A. give a slightly more MTB focus, B. to accommodate the younger kids who are on balance bikes. C. To make it more fun. We have two groups which divide approximately as follow 2.5 - 5 and 6 - 10 years old which operate along side each other and even come together for a few item such as bike and helmet check warm up and red light game. Cycling Ireland has endorsed both programmes.
We advertised the programme (IMBRC sprocket rocket) internally on the private club forum and we quickly filled 25 spots and therefore closed the course as we need to maintain the coach/rider ratio for reasons of both safety and maintaining course quality. We do however have one spot (as one child could not continue due to other sporting commitments) and would like to offer it to you so if you contact me I can fill you in more on the course requirements and details. Please call after 18.00. If I'm unavailable text me your contact details and I'll get back to you asap.
In addition to this section we have a Youth team section which is run by Davey Dunne and he is also part of the SR programme.
Dave O' Shea
Child development officer
086 3855018