Author Topic: WAR Glenmalure Race Report  (Read 4077 times)

Offline James

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WAR Glenmalure Race Report
« on: June 19, 2011, 03:55:32 PM »
Well what a hard race, this round was a bit more suited to Cyclists because there was no kayaking, instead there was an obstacle course and a river crossing, on the day the river was left out too, dam Irish summer!

So the start was at a much more reasonable time of 10am which suited me fine.  I actually got there early for a change.  Dave being as organised as usual rings me looking for directions at the last minute.  The first run is up Kirakee Mountain around the back and down the other side.  So after a half warm up the whistle blows and we're off.  Dave sprints off and is sitting comfortably in a group chasing third place, after about 2k his group slows down so I passed him and a few others so I'm in around sixth place.  The nice fireroad ends and the course goes across a field and on to the open mountain.  After the check point at the summit it quite a rough decent, I'm getting down ok thanks to being fresh enough.  After a quick forest section it's on to a long fireroad decent back to the first transition.  I get caught by a few guys here but only a handful. 

I went with toe clips again, so it was a quick transition to the main cycle.  The route was up two big cols, the Shay Elliott and the Sliabh Mann.  I passed a good few guys in the first few km.  Then we turned off the main road to Laragh up this lane.  This road was cool, one of the many hidden treasures around Wicklow.  After a few clicks the road disappeared and it was unsurfaced track, rougher that paris roubaix or the finestra.  Then there a shallow river crossing, the climb out was tough but worth it, then as if by magic we the half way up the Shay Elliott!  I hadn't seen anyone in ages so I just kept going.   Half way up the Sliabh Mann I saw a rider in the distance.  It was Ciaran Smith, I didn't catch him until just before the second transition.  I get there and there's only two bikes parked!  I'm in third, the shock got to me I ran off with my helmet and gloves still on:-)

So Ciaran takes back his third place back pretty swiftly on the run.   The route is up over the summit of Croaghanmoira mountain and down the far side to a checkpoint.  The return to the transition was back along the same route.  So I'm jogging up wondering what to do with this helmet and gloves, I need to leave them somewhere memorable so I don't forget to collect them on the way back down.  Next thing we turn a corner and there this colossal rocky climb stretching off into the distance, I was not going to forget that climb in a hurry so I dumped my helmet at the bottom.  After the summit there was another rough rocky decent.  My legs were feeling it now so I had to take it handy, it evened out a little and I got back into my stride.  It descended steeper again when I met the race leader Padraig marrey who was coming back up from the checkpoint, he was being chased hard by Kevin Murphy in second place.   Just before I reached the checkpoint Gary Crossan passes me, he took a wrong turn explaining my miraculous move to third.  He was penalised in transition for not having the mandatory kit so I got a little head start on the return leg. 

My lead didn't last long and I was back to fifth but on the good side as the climb got steeper I hadn't met sixth place yet.  Happy days if I had the same lead over sixth that Padraig had over me I was in a good position!  It was good to see all the other competitors on the return leg, Dave was in the top ten and looking good.  I could see third and forth up ahead were jogging/walking so I wasn't too worried about doing the same too.  The last decent was not as rocky so I got down it ok.  I remembered my helmet too which was good.  I looked like a bit of a plonker running with my helmet on but arguably I was one. 

After the transition it was just a downhill cycle to the transition and the obstacle course.  Well that's what I thought, as I rode back the flat section was a lot longer than I expected.  I was still feeling ok so I rode along without a bother.  On the last stretch I came across Kevin Murphy previously in second, he had snaped his chain.  He ran the rest of the way to the transition because it was as quick to run as it was to fix the chain.  So I arrived forth man into the transition.  Just a short run with the bike and an obstacle course left.  Next think I slip and fall in front of everyone on a greasy boardwalk.  Just below my knee is cut badly and hurts like hell.  There were a series of five foot hay bales to bale over (I wonder if that's where the expression came from!)  I went for the bellyflop method, it worked a treat.  Half way through the course I see Ciaran in third!  There was no way I could catch him now, I was happy crossing the line so close though.  Roll on the next one. 

I seriously recommend trying one of these events, it really well run, the marshals are great an excellent day outdoors in the garden of Ireland.  The next event is in Powerscourt on the 24th of September so start training:-)

Full results here
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Offline DaveyD

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Re: WAR Glenmalure Race Report
« Reply #1 on: June 19, 2011, 04:10:16 PM »
Good stuff James, well done to you and Dave. you make it sound so easy. 

Offline Trev

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Re: WAR Glenmalure Race Report
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2011, 09:49:20 AM »
Well done James and Dave. They are great results for such a tough race.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2011, 09:51:38 AM by Trev »

Offline Paul

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Re: WAR Glenmalure Race Report
« Reply #3 on: June 20, 2011, 12:18:21 PM »
Well done lads....great results...!!

You almost extended the trophy cabinet Jimbo...You better be more careful next time  :P

Offline wombat

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Re: WAR Glenmalure Race Report
« Reply #4 on: June 20, 2011, 07:15:57 PM »
 8)savage result,congratulations,another Mc Cluskey showing the adventure racers how its done

Offline Dave O Shea

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Offline Paul

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Re: WAR Glenmalure Race Report
« Reply #6 on: July 11, 2011, 12:48:17 AM »
whos that in the baggy shorts?

Offline pault

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Re: WAR Glenmalure Race Report
« Reply #7 on: July 11, 2011, 10:09:15 AM »

That's me, just did the sport course not the full distance the lads did and I was so wrecked by the time I reached the end I forgot to take my helmet off for the obstacle course!  But that's what happens when you don't do any running in preparation!  Good craic though will do the other one in september