Author Topic: 2015 XC Marathon champs  (Read 13535 times)

Offline DaveyD

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2015 XC Marathon champs
« on: September 03, 2015, 07:42:03 PM »
Who's in

Registration closes Sat

Savage ruote,
Savage as in it will put manners on ya!

I've signed up and hope I can shift my cold well in advance.

Offline Jimmy Mr Excuses

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Re: 2015 XC Marathon champs
« Reply #1 on: September 04, 2015, 09:23:00 AM »
Really wanted to race this one and was one of my goals for this year but not going to make it.

Enjoy the pain  >:(

Offline Ger

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Re: 2015 XC Marathon champs
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2015, 05:28:56 PM »

According to the website, registration closes Sunday evening 9pm;

Offline capnsantini

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Re: 2015 XC Marathon champs
« Reply #3 on: September 06, 2015, 09:32:29 PM »
I'll be there, unfortunately only for the non-medal race foreigner's race.  But seeing as it's the same course/same time, rest assured I'll still be testing myeslf against the medal winners.  Can't wait! 

Offline Jimmy Mr Excuses

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Re: 2015 XC Marathon champs
« Reply #4 on: September 06, 2015, 09:47:10 PM »
I think we should do the same for our champs and exclude Patrick cos he's getting way to much time on the bike and getting very fast :P

Offline DaveyD

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Re: 2015 XC Marathon champs
« Reply #5 on: September 06, 2015, 10:49:26 PM »
I think we should do the same for our champs and exclude Patrick cos he's getting way to much time on the bike and getting very fast :P

Ha ha I agree
Patricks on form for a super time next week

Offline Joe J

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Re: 2015 XC Marathon champs
« Reply #6 on: September 12, 2015, 10:25:43 PM »
Good luck to all racing tomorrow! Cant make it myself  :'(

Offline Paul

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Re: 2015 XC Marathon champs
« Reply #7 on: September 12, 2015, 11:45:43 PM »
Starting grid here

looks like a good few from the club heading up tomorrow.

Best of luck lads.  :)

Offline Jimmy Mr Excuses

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« Reply #8 on: September 13, 2015, 11:57:15 AM »
Good luck lads enjoy the pain

Offline Scott B.

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« Reply #9 on: September 13, 2015, 04:22:26 PM »
Are you all finished yet.... go on tell us how it went..?

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

Offline Ger

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Re: 2015 XC Marathon champs
« Reply #10 on: September 13, 2015, 08:17:49 PM »
That was a long 73 km....started in decent weather but finished with wind and rain.
Have no idea what time I did and don't care, just happy to have finished it with a sprint to the line  :)

There were some course marking issues, Dave O'Shea and several others missed a single track due
to a missing marshal and no taping so there were a few disappointed competitors today.

Offline DaveyD

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Re: 2015 XC Marathon champs
« Reply #11 on: September 13, 2015, 09:07:25 PM »
That really hurt.............No really, Amazing place to race, superb single track. I loved it but I dont ever remember a race being that hard before, A cold and time off the bike did not help me today.

Enough about me I hear we have a new National Champ!  :)

As Ger mentioned same issues this year as last, how do people ever expect events to get good numbers if they dont put in the effort organising it.
Very dissapointing

FYI On a similar note Paper signs are Not a good option in Ireland  :o

Offline Paul

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Re: 2015 XC Marathon champs
« Reply #12 on: September 13, 2015, 11:48:38 PM »
I hear we have a new National Champ!  :)

Well done lads... Sounded like a tough race.!

Congrats to Mick Jordan on winning the National title. Hes narrowly missed out a couple of times in recent years and as you know had some health issues last year, so its great to see him battle back and top off a great year on the bike. Very well deserved Micko the legend.!   :-*

Offline Dave O Shea

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Re: 2015 XC Marathon champs
« Reply #13 on: September 14, 2015, 03:28:59 PM »
A great win from Micko ...I can't think of a more worthy champion ! and all the other finishers on what was a great course .

I'm very disappointed with how my race turned out due to lack of marshalling and clear marking. Here is complaint I sent to off road commission:

Hi Max,
I ve been racing xc over15 yrs and have never made a complaint againt a rider or a course organisers. I would like to lodge an official complaint against todays Nationals XCM race in Rostrevor.
The issue that I would like to flag is insufficient and/or unclear marking and lack of marshal at important position(s).
I was a few km from half way, racing hard, going well and thourghly enjoying the course when I came to a barrier on the right but there seemed a number of options and no marshal and no tape blocking the direction ahead- I continued straight and decended the fireroad. I soon became aware that I had been here earlier in the race but I continued...when I reached the bottom Oisin Boydell from MAD was there and a marshal, a few moments later a 3rd person again had come down the fireroad and then a fourth rider Mark Kidd. We talked to the marshal and started the climb back up. A group of about 5 were now riding down toward us and they turned and started the climb as we explained the one was happy! Then a girl was coming down and as she slowed up, to also turn and join us on the climb another racer coming down the same fireroad hit her from behind....I heard the loud bang and looked behind....while the group were attended the girl Mark and I contined the climb and alerted the next marshal of the accident....I say accident but  this was a very avoidable incident...there needed to be a marshal at that point in the race.  Speaking with yourself and Ciara after it was said that there was to have been a marshal at that point where we all went wrong. There was no marshal and nothing to stop riders continuing down the fireroad. I d like to emphasis that we did not follow each other down the fireroad but all made the same decicion based on the markings in front of us !  We turned and I climbed back up for 8 mins to get back on course but went wrong again nearer the start finish along with 2 others at which point I decided to call it a day as too much time was lost. The marking and marshaling of this course was not of a stardard suitable for a national championship race. To make matters worse I understand riders went wrong at the very same part last year. I have spoken to a number of riders after who were also unsure at the same point but either stopped to access the situation as done in orientiering races or remembered it from last year. Its Inexcusable in my option and I would like to complaint. I would ask for my sign on fee to be donated to a charity of the organisers choice.

Regards Dave
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Re: 2015 XC Marathon champs
« Reply #14 on: September 14, 2015, 09:50:00 PM »
Brutally awesome. Eventual M30 podium was sorted on the first fire road climb. They rocked up it as if it was 24km NPS! I stuck to a new plan with 75km to ride, go off easy (keeping legs for upcoming champ title challenge!).  Weather was perfect on first lap with great tale winds on open singletrack.  Weather changed for second lap as did motivation. Heavy rain on higher ground with dropping temperatures stiffened the body. Wanted to get the bike around 40km, gobbled some caffeine gels and found some motivation. The dreaded HODOR not so bad second time round, had one steady speed all day left me in 13th. Happy with result.

Probably the best trail centre I've ridden in Ireland.  Really great day out but it was brutal.  Thanks to the organisers and folk who gave their time .