Author Topic: Gravity Enduro Rnd 1 Race report  (Read 10137 times)

Offline Jimmy Mr Excuses

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Gravity Enduro Rnd 1 Race report
« on: April 22, 2013, 11:16:11 AM »
Race report.

First round of the Gravity Enduro started this weekend with all the usual excitement comradery and  obligatory slagging off that goes with this type of racing, the season finally got under way.  :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

We had 8 entries from our club altogether and the blue was very well represented compared to all other clubs we had a great showing.  8) 8) 8)

First off we had the practice run on Saturday

It got off to a very strange start as there was this bright yellow thing in the sky shining down on us. Some were scared others confused but being the brave souls we are we thought we would venture out and see what mountain biking in this so called Sun would be like.  ??? ??? ???

The Gravity Enduro is so called  as it is Endurance. Getting to and down all 5 stages really takes its toll on the body, as your on the bike for the best part of 4 hours. Last year many people made the mistake of doing all 5 stages on the practise day but this was one lesson that was learned hard and fast with most people only doing the 2 or even 3 stages this year and saving the energy for the Sunday

So after setting out the obligatory IMBRC 30 mins later that originally planned we finally got on the road ::), John, Ian, Scot, Mark. myself and a few others set out for stage 4 first off and did a run of that. First section went well it was good and fast with just a couple of falls from people however the second section was a slomp fest with very sticky mud really slowing down the track.

Next up we decided to do stage 5 as most people said this was one of the more ones incorporating trails that would be used in the downhill races. Again top section was great with some lovely drops and fast flowy bits but again the bottom section let us down where the slomp gathered again and really slowed the track.

That section brought us back down to the race village and at which point all  decided they had enough and wanted to conserve energy for the next day. I went back up on me todd to do stage 3 as this thing called the sun was still shinning and I wanted to make the most of the time while I could.

Race Day.   >:( >:( >:( >:(

So we all planned to meet for 9.30 and get started before all the crowds hit but as they say "the best made plans of mice and men"  ::).  People rocked up to the line without helmets (Colt) knee pads (me) and got knows what else so at that stage we were a little back in the line and got started a little later than planned  :-[ :-[.  Colt Seavers and Pete joined us on race day as unfortunately they were not allowed out to play on both days  . 7 of us set off together and Sean Glynn set out with his own mates so we were only the one down from full numbers.

Stage 1 was a hard slog up the road but when we finally got there the line was massive and Id say we were waiting the best part of an hour to get started. This is usually the case with the Enduro however after stage one the crowd thins out and gets better on each subsequent stage.  

Stage 1 was good and fast at the start technical in the middle and very pedally at the end which really caught most of us as we had not practised it. I think most of us nearly burst a long making it up that kicker at then end but  we all agreed the buzz of Enduro was in the air and were stoked  :D :D :D :D :D (just for you Paul) for the next stage.

Stage 2 I cant remember really but think its the one where Ian's chain came off and Colt snotted himself  (to be expected)  :P I didn't see these now but was informed when the stage was completed.

Stage 3 now we were all buzzed up and the sun was shinning, we knew stage 3 was fast and we were all set for this. I made the mistake of going before Peter who was on my tail through the whole stage screaming come on Jimmy come on >:( >:(. Talk about putting pressure on a lad ha ha but that's all part of it and I managed to stay on the bike just about despite his screams of encouragement :P or whatever you'd call it.  Mark took a lovely hit at the end of a steep bomb hole, he managed to somehow bounce out of it and off the bike, still though credit to him he grabbed that bike and dashed for the line.  ;)

So at this stage it was back down to the race village for lunch. The sun was still shinning and everyone was just buzzing from stage 3 we headed down to grab a bit of grub. It was at this stage down there that I actually thought Colt was going to wet himself with excitement as he jigged to the tunes with a big dirty grin on his face. To be fair we were all smiling as the craic was being had,

Back up the mountain again for stage 4 and the rain started to fall sporadically with dashes of sun in between.

This led to our Club champ and new IMBRC fashionista sporting a range of different IMBRC jerseys and gillets for the crowds and cameras alike. The man has a top for every possibility I'm not kidding. ;)

Stage 4 luckily had been changed as the lower section was complete slomp so they added in a newer faster section that came down the fire road and back into the woods. I was on this stage that Scott (im not sure of the details) but I believe he was overtaking a lad on the fire road and decided to take the barrier with him and yer man out. I came down afterwards just to see people fixing barrier and some poor lad nursing his wounds ha ha.   John had a little trouble also  which cost him time on the stage.  The stage was good and fast, still a little sticky but ridable and pedally at times but again as always very enjoyable.

Finally stage 5  and it was at this point everyone was feeling it. Arms pumped legs cramping, running out of water you name it , it was happening. :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

Smiles were changing to vacant looks of devastation and  exhaustion knowing we had to climb back up that mountain again to get the final and probably most difficult stage done did not help.

But again knowing we were near the end pushed us on and we pedalled up that mountain in the rain passing lads as they dropped with cramp and mechanicals. Finally we reached the summit  exhausted and prepared for the final decent. Its a fantastic stage at the start some nice drops and turns and burns however the lower section was a let down and as we were so late at this stage the ground had turned into a river of slomp with no possible line though but just hard slog and pushing though the slomp.  Ian burst his tyre at the start which ripped right open and completely ruined his times but these things happen and Im sure he will make up for it in Ballyhoura.  

In the mean time we had some great results,  Scott being the savage he is and despite taking a barrier  >:( with him managed to finish 11th in his Category. We will be expecting at least a top 10 finish in Ballyhoura from this beast and his Santa Cruz. Sean Glynn made a fantastic time also and reached 13th in possibly the fastest and most difficult category 30-34.  The rest of us did great and got what we wanted from it and that's great craic, and a lof of biking. Fair play to Niall Davis and his crew, Gravity Enduro is only going from strength to strength with great organisation great trails (despite the weather) and a fantastic atmosphere.   Maybe some day we will get our chief on side and do a race also  :P

Offline Jimmy Mr Excuses

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Re: Gravity Enduro Rnd 1 Race report
« Reply #1 on: April 22, 2013, 11:17:22 AM »
Colt bursting with excitement

Offline Jimmy Mr Excuses

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Re: Gravity Enduro Rnd 1 Race report
« Reply #2 on: April 22, 2013, 11:18:06 AM »
The lads

Offline Jimmy Mr Excuses

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Re: Gravity Enduro Rnd 1 Race report
« Reply #3 on: April 22, 2013, 11:18:34 AM »

Offline Paul

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Re: Gravity Enduro Rnd 1 Race report
« Reply #4 on: April 22, 2013, 11:51:17 AM »
You missed this in your report  ;D This could have been you  ;)

Bambi needs a few lessons off Niall in jumping  ;)


Offline Ian

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Re: Gravity Enduro Rnd 1 Race report
« Reply #5 on: April 22, 2013, 12:05:10 PM »
Race report.

First round of the Gravity Enduro started this weekend with all the usual excitement comradery and  obligatory slagging off that goes with this type of racing, the season finally got under way.  :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

We had 8 entries from our club altogether and the blue was very well represented compared to all other clubs we had a great showing.  8) 8) 8)

First off we had the practice run on Saturday

It got off to a very strange start as there was this bright yellow thing in the sky shining down on us. Some were scared others confused but being the brave souls we are we thought we would venture out and see what mountain biking in this so called Sun would be like.  ??? ??? ???

The Gravity Enduro is so called  as it is Endurance. Getting to and down all 5 stages really takes its toll on the body, as your on the bike for the best part of 4 hours. Last year many people made the mistake of doing all 5 stages on the practise day but this was one lesson that was learned hard and fast with most people only doing the 2 or even 3 stages this year and saving the energy for the Sunday

So after setting out the obligatory IMBRC 30 mins later that originally planned we finally got on the road ::), John, Ian, Scot, Mark. myself and a few others set out for stage 4 first off and did a run of that. First section went well it was good and fast with just a couple of falls from people however the second section was a slomp fest with very sticky mud really slowing down the track.

Next up we decided to do stage 5 as most people said this was one of the more ones incorporating trails that would be used in the downhill races. Again top section was great with some lovely drops and fast flowy bits but again the bottom section let us down where the slomp gathered again and really slowed the track.

That section brought us back down to the race village and at which point all  decided they had enough and wanted to conserve energy for the next day. I went back up on me todd to do stage 3 as this thing called the sun was still shinning and I wanted to make the most of the time while I could.

Race Day.   >:( >:( >:( >:(

So we all planned to meet for 9.30 and get started before all the crowds hit but as they say "the best made plans of mice and men"  ::).  People rocked up to the line without helmets (Colt) knee pads (me) and got knows what else so at that stage we were a little back in the line and got started a little later than planned  :-[ :-[.  Colt Seavers and Pete joined us on race day as unfortunately they were not allowed out to play on both days  . 7 of us set off together and Sean Glynn set out with his own mates so we were only the one down from full numbers.

Stage 1 was a hard slog up the road but when we finally got there the line was massive and Id say we were waiting the best part of an hour to get started. This is usually the case with the Enduro however after stage one the crowd thins out and gets better on each subsequent stage.  

Stage 1 was good and fast at the start technical in the middle and very pedally at the end which really caught most of us as we had not practised it. I think most of us nearly burst a long making it up that kicker at then end but  we all agreed the buzz of Enduro was in the air and were stoked  :D :D :D :D :D (just for you Paul) for the next stage.

Stage 2 I cant remember really but think its the one where Ian's chain came off and Colt snotted himself  (to be expected)  :P I didn't see these now but was informed when the stage was completed.

Stage 3 now we were all buzzed up and the sun was shinning, we knew stage 3 was fast and we were all set for this. I made the mistake of going before Peter who was on my tail through the whole stage screaming come on Jimmy come on >:( >:(. Talk about putting pressure on a lad ha ha but that's all part of it and I managed to stay on the bike just about despite his screams of encouragement :P or whatever you'd call it.  Mark took a lovely hit at the end of a steep bomb hole, he managed to somehow bounce out of it and off the bike, still though credit to him he grabbed that bike and dashed for the line.  ;)

So at this stage it was back down to the race village for lunch. The sun was still shinning and everyone was just buzzing from stage 3 we headed down to grab a bit of grub. It was at this stage down there that I actually thought Colt was going to wet himself with excitement as he jigged to the tunes with a big dirty grin on his face. To be fair we were all smiling as the craic was being had,

Back up the mountain again for stage 4 and the rain started to fall sporadically with dashes of sun in between.

This led to our Club champ and new IMBRC fashionista sporting a range of different IMBRC jerseys and gillets for the crowds and cameras alike. The man has a top for every possibility I'm not kidding. ;)

Stage 4 luckily had been changed as the lower section was complete slomp so they added in a newer faster section that came down the fire road and back into the woods. I was on this stage that Scott (im not sure of the details) but I believe he was overtaking a lad on the fire road and decided to take the barrier with him and yer man out. I came down afterwards just to see people fixing barrier and some poor lad nursing his wounds ha ha.   John had a little trouble also  which cost him time on the stage.  The stage was good and fast, still a little sticky but ridable and pedally at times but again as always very enjoyable.

Finally stage 5  and it was at this point everyone was feeling it. Arms pumped legs cramping, running out of water you name it , it was happening. :'( :'( :'( :'( :'( :'(

Smiles were changing to vacant looks of devastation and  exhaustion knowing we had to climb back up that mountain again to get the final and probably most difficult stage done did not help.

But again knowing we were near the end pushed us on and we pedalled up that mountain in the rain passing lads as they dropped with cramp and mechanicals. Finally we reached the summit  exhausted and prepared for the final decent. Its a fantastic stage at the start some nice drops and turns and burns however the lower section was a let down and as we were so late at this stage the ground had turned into a river of slomp with no possible line though but just hard slog and pushing though the slomp.  Ian burst his tyre at the start which ripped right open and completely ruined his times but these things happen and Im sure he will make up for it in Ballyhoura.  

In the mean time we had some great results,  Scott being the savage he is and despite taking a barrier  >:( with him managed to finish 11th in his Category. We will be expecting at least a top 10 finish in Ballyhoura from this beast and his Santa Cruz. Sean Glynn made a fantastic time also and reached 13th in possibly the fastest and most difficult category 30-34.  The rest of us did great and got what we wanted from it and that's great craic, and a lof of biking. Fair play to Niall Davis and his crew, Gravity Enduro is only going from strength to strength with great organisation great trails (despite the weather) and a fantastic atmosphere.   Maybe some day we will get our chief on side and do a race also  :P

Great report Jimmy. Paul you would have hated it - there was no lycra anywhere :P :P

Offline Paul

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Re: Gravity Enduro Rnd 1 Race report
« Reply #6 on: April 22, 2013, 12:08:13 PM »

Great report Jimmy. Paul you would have hated it - there was no lycra anywhere :P :P

From looking at that 2 min video of stage 3 it looks like a peice of weewee..!!  :-X

Offline Chopper

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Re: Gravity Enduro Rnd 1 Race report
« Reply #7 on: April 22, 2013, 12:27:55 PM »
Nice !! Well done to all :)
Bring on the puddles

Offline Ian

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Re: Gravity Enduro Rnd 1 Race report
« Reply #8 on: April 22, 2013, 12:35:28 PM »

Great report Jimmy. Paul you would have hated it - there was no lycra anywhere :P :P

From looking at that 2 min video of stage 3 it looks like a peice of weewee..!!  :-X

Ahh that was a nice handy section on stage 3. Enter the next one and show us all how its done :) :)

Offline Paul

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Re: Gravity Enduro Rnd 1 Race report
« Reply #9 on: April 22, 2013, 01:17:02 PM »
Ahh that was a nice handy section on stage 3. Enter the next one and show us all how its done :) :)

Maybe Djouce but then i hate that stage 5   :-X

Offline Scott B.

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Re: Gravity Enduro Rnd 1 Race report
« Reply #10 on: April 22, 2013, 05:50:24 PM »
Good Man Jimmy, Your consistency paid off nicely and super report  8),

As For the barrier........well I want to forget it....  "I made a huge error in judgment on stage 4 where I accidently pulled a crowd barrier onto the course (by going the wrong side of some tape (when overtaking) & then thinking it would snap if I went back through it....! The rider's behind me had a lucky escape and have to say sorry to all again. :'(

Offline irlpete

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Re: Gravity Enduro Rnd 1 Race report
« Reply #11 on: April 22, 2013, 08:25:24 PM »
Good man Jimmy,great report and great riding,i just couldn't keep up,you just blew past me on the end of stage 5  :'(
Great day out,will be doing my best to do the rest of the rounds  :)

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Re: Gravity Enduro Rnd 1 Race report
« Reply #12 on: April 22, 2013, 10:34:33 PM »
Enjoyed that Jimmy. Sounds like a great bit of craic lads.

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Re: Gravity Enduro Rnd 1 Race report
« Reply #13 on: April 23, 2013, 11:27:38 AM »
Nice writeup Jimmy!

Some pics from the race day....

Offline Ian

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Re: Gravity Enduro Rnd 1 Race report
« Reply #14 on: April 23, 2013, 12:30:18 PM »
Nice writeup Jimmy!

Some pics from the race day....

Great pics!!