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Messages - Fresh Cod

Pages: [1]
General Discussion / Re: Building in Secret location :-)
« on: July 23, 2013, 04:22:05 PM »
Thanks Paul, I think I may have met you at the secret location ;D and had a chat not so long ago. In fairness everything else was well done. See you on the trails, Luke.

General Discussion / Building in Secret location :-)
« on: July 19, 2013, 08:52:35 AM »
Hi All,

Luke here, long time trail builder up in Secret location  ;D. I was up there last night and noticed some work being done on my trail Power Line (the new trail) and seen someone put in a step down onto the fire road. I think most will agree it’s not the best place to put in something like that as there are kids and dogs running around up there and a collision is the last thing we need.  So in the interest of safety I have taken it down.
I’m not sure if it was anything to do with yourselves but I said I’d put up a post to let who did it know it might not be the best spot for it. When I built that trail I staggered the exit from the first section into the entrance of the next so people would slow down at the fire road, makes sense.

Anway, another great weekend of riding on the way, trails are all riding real well and new sections are being planned to ;D.

All the best,


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