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Messages - beoneten

Pages: [1]
Racing / Re: Marathon Champs 26th Aug
« on: August 15, 2012, 09:58:24 PM »
Hi folks, yes the marathon has been extended to 75km, but in fairness it doesn't feel that long. The route is slightly different this year from last year's race, to give the riders a chance to find their place in the race this year's start will take the riders on the public road for a fast downhill sprint into a gradual offroad climb and then some more tarmac descending, up a little fireroad into singletrack and past the Trail-Centre before entering the woods for the pre-lap. The pre-lap is a loop of 8.5 km (Munster XC Race Loop) that will bring the riders back past the trail-centre having climbed a little and descended a lot on singletrack and some natural trails with a few tricky features thrown in. Then it's off to do the race proper, this will take you on a tour of Ballyhoura giving you the very best of all the singletrack with the odd few off-trail excursions with a few kicker climbs and some natural trail and terrain until you meet the final descent to the Trail-Centre and the finish. There will be 3 water stations on the route so if you want bottles at these please bring them to sign on and place them in the boxes supplied. The last Lap cafe will provide much needed refreshments after the race, so if you are looking for a value for money race this year this is the one.

Team Ballyhoura.

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